Ekove Efrits Interview w. Metal.de [11/10/2011]
Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Under: Interviews
Ekove Efrits sole-member Count De Efrit has recently conducted an interview with the German Metal Zine 'metal.de'
It was published on their website in German today and can be read in its original form HERE
Below is the English version of the interview:

Hi! I have to admit that I'm a bit curious, so I hope you don't mind that I have a couple of question concerning your album as well as your home country, because I think Iran is very interesting.
It was published on their website in German today and can be read in its original form HERE
Below is the English version of the interview:

Hi! I have to admit that I'm a bit curious, so I hope you don't mind that I have a couple of question concerning your album as well as your home country, because I think Iran is very interesting.
But let us start with “Conceptual Horizon”. It's already your third album, but the first one which is released by a label. How and why did you end with Hypnotic Dirge, Canada is pretty far away after all?
Hi there. Well let me explain something first! As you mentioned this is my third Full-length album but there is a little mistake about the labels because nearly all of my albums had been published by different companies around the world expect my two first demo which are painfuly weak and terrible. I also released "Hypermnesia" on the internet as a self-release because no label had accepted to release the that particular albvum because of its different and experimental style .
Internet makes things easier now we are really in a global village so I can make contact from here to another part of the world by just doing some clicks. I found Hypnotic Dirge Records via internet, they had released some good albums from interesting bands which catched my eyes a lot, so I just tried my chance by sending them an email and fortunately they did accept.
As far as I know you've been active for 10 years now, but since this is our first interview with you I'd like to ask you to look back in time and to introduce yourself and EKOVE EFRITS.
Charles Bukowski in one of his books said the best parts of an author are what he/she has wrote on paper the rest of the parts doesn't matter anymore. Well I think it's the same with me also, I think the most interesting part about me is my music but if you want to hear more, sure!
My real name is Saman but I have used a nickname for Ekove Efrits since the first days of the project - "Count De Efrit". Ekove Efrits is aone-man band based-on the depressive black metal style. When I consider it truthfully I have to say this project was started at the year of 2005 officially because before this time since 2001 until 2004 I just experimented myself to create something. In the year of 2005 I started Ekove Efrits officially and I released "Unholy Garves" album under its name , then I decided to release the result of those years as demo album called "In The Black Minds" for free download over the internet and by its main date, so we can say the official date of founding Ekove Efrits is 2005.
It's not easy to file “Conceptual Horizon” under a certain label. I got the impression that you are using elements of Doom as well as Black and Gothic Metal. Which genres have the biggest impact on your work and how would you describe your own style (which is pretty distinct, and I think this is quite outstanding)?
Thanks for the compliment. You know my mind is fucked-up because I'm so special!
oh no I'm just kidding! Well I'm not sure exactly when my viewpoint has been changed completely but to be honest there is no clear definition about the style before I start to create an album (Hypermnesia could be a good example in this case) . Usually I don't know what comes from inside beforehand, because I just try to keep open all of my soul's hatches against inner and outter signals. Its like painting an immediate scene caught by my imagination. Sometimes in the harsher parts of the song I decide to make a break and change it to a soft and moody atmosphere by a sweet melody of piano, of course I know I have to do that but on the other side this is kinda like a risk which has its beauties, I think by doing these risks I can make something unique because we are all tired of seeing the same cliches again and again .
In any case, you created a very atmospheric album which sometimes almost appears to be a soundtrack. There are heavy outbursts, most parts are oppressive, frightening and quite dark, but at times also dreamy and even disarming. To what extant mirrors “Conceptual Horizon” your own character and how much of your private life run into your music?
It's a very good question. Like you said, it is designed like a soundtrack, I agree with you ! I don't know why but every day I lean more to this genre of music .
If you look closer you will see most of my songs don't have a chorus and verse structure. That's mostly because I follow many images in my mind unconsciously, not only for Ekove Efrits, it ussually happens for my other projects too automatically. It's exacly like as if you have some pictures and videos and want to start combining and assemble music over them, like what a director of a movie finding music to fit his story. As images will change, your music has to be changed to push story forward.
I love to create dreamy moments into darkness while those mysterious little lights suspended around.
The proccess of making music for me is a bit strange. I never touch to my instruments except for those those moments that I feel something coming from inside, usually those feelings come suddenly and I have to be enough fast to shape their main fundamental idea before it is forgotten. If you say "hey man come and play one of your songs", I probably can't because even I can't remember most of them. Many layers exist in each of my songs, certainly I have to look at my papers. Probably you don't know that I spend a big part of my energy combining layers and making new elements so I wanna confess that I do care more about the final result because I think at last this is your artwork which is important for audiences not the way you created it, I do everything to walk closer to what I have in my mind to depict that the way that it is, so I just make my song spontaneously one time and then write the main parts on the paper and I'm done! My artwork is done. Sometimes creating whole song takes more than one month and sometimes its only about one or two day. I used to working this way, maybe it's because I'm a one man band so the process are different.
I read somewhere on the internet that there was a concept behind “Suicidal Rebirth”. Is this also true for “Conceptional Horizon” and what are the lyrics about?
Yes that's true, even "Hypermnesia" has its specific story too but in the case of "Conceptual Horizon" I can say it's a continuance of "Suicidal Rebirth" somehow .
The whole story is taken from my life and made into both the music and the lyrics. You know for describing some happenings, words could be the weakest thing to use, and it can be limiting to describe whole feelings through only words. Lyrics are just a little piece of the story. Many words remain unspoken which I try to say them via music, only by notes. I won't say anything more than this here or in the lyrics , they will remain kinda obscure where music has the main role.
Usually this question is pretty boring, but in your case it really interests me: Which music do you listen to in your free time and do some of those bands/artists actually influence your own music in any way?
No that's not boring, hehe...only a narcistic love to talk about oneself all the time.
About your question honestly It's always changing from one thing to another thing , I'm not a fanatic person about one genre of music because when you make music it's better you familiarize youe ears to different kinds of music. I love emotional and thoughtful music the most though and especially down-tempo music.
These days I listen mostly to Radiohead, Hypocrisy, Clint Mancell, Matt Elliott, Arcturus, Kattoo , Jacaszek and also couple of good soundtracks from different movies .
At this moment that I answer these questions I'm listening to "Slippin Away" of Hypocrisy , that's really amazing.
I have also a question concerning the cover art, as I just can't figure it out. There's a person sitting on something in front of a red backdrop, some power ropes and that's it. Loneliness, yes, I can identify that much, but can you tell us some more details? What meaning has the cover for you?
For me this man is a symbol of ourselfs, we are all together but also alone and drowned in our minds and our memories. There is no calmness until we learn how to reach inner silence. There probably should be a dot at the end of all inner dialogues. I tried to separate and depict this calmness by showing that black shadow against the chaotic reddish scene behind but you are completely free to interpret that any way you like.
Ok, let's talk about your home country now. Over here Iran's reputation isn't all that good, so I'm curious, how do you perceive everyday life, also in regard of being into metal music?
In the usual way when you are into metal scene you will have some dates to meet with metal fans, you will go to metal festivals, you wear your favorite style and so on but the situation in here is a bit different and doing most of these things are not possible at all. For me it's not a big problem because I have this world inside me anyway, and don't really feel the need to express it outwardly. I live in two completely separate worlds, one side darkness and the another one something normal and usual, even if you come to my room you can't find anything around related to darkness and metal music except for my instruments, In most situations I usually dress like an average person, I read different books and have many friends from different types of people. It's the way I like it because lets me to depict all of those muted darkness safe into my music and create something pure and virgin which comes from my deepest parts of my soul and at the same time making good friends from different tastes .
In that regard: In some Arabian countries there are hard penalties for people who listen to metal, not to mention the punishments for people who are playing in bands and talk about it openly. Is the situation similar in Iran or are things a bit more liberal?
Metal music in Iran is almost forbidden. You can't play live or release your music officially, it's like you have been denied all the time. You may know metal bands here working on an underground level, I mean they make music but there is no place for performing. It's a bit like you play only for your friends but since then, the internet has become something very useful and lets us have a chance to be heard out of these boundaries. I'm very hopeful about Iranian metal scene, as you see it's growing day by day.
Another question that interests me, in which way were you introduced to metal and especially to this extreme form, that you are playing now? From where do you get your music for example, etc.?
It started more than eleven years ago. I think I was 15 years old if I'm not mistaken. One day in school a friend gave me a tape from metallica, that was a selection from their best songs, I never forget I listened to that tape days and nights that was like I couldn't get enough from that, I did really fly with that. After a while he gave me a video tape which had some videos of Metallica and Nirvana and told me "hey man now it's time you watch this", I was sitting in front the TV and was hypnotised by those images, angry men, mysterious symbols, head bangers, black clothes and beside that a powerful and deep music that was totally new and something from another world right against that plastic and artificial world.
Later on I found black metal music accidently from the internet, I think the fist album I heard was from Burzum and then an old album from Graveworm and after than "The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh" from Cradle Of Filth. That was my second shock related to metal music, I was completely mesmerized because of this special form of this type of music, that was pure art! I understood that I couldn't remain just a simple fan because I feel some sort of waves in my inside something forced me to do something more than listening so I start to create by experimenting step by step, obviously the first albums were not something good. They were sloppy sounds far away from what we call music but after several years I learned how to play and compose my music.
Do you have an active metal scene in your country or does it only exist in the underground in the truest sense? Here in Germany there are lots of metal-fan for every subgenre, but I have no idea how things are in Iran. What about concerts and are there other bands which you could recommend?
It's completely underground but in meantime I still see it as an active scene. You know music never stops you can't make art illegal forever. In here many bands make different music in every genre you imagine but only a few and the most traditional groups are allowed to have concerts and it would never happen for Rock or Metal bands. Surely traditional genres of music is one of the most respective kinds of music but it's not something satisfying for many younger persons, they need something more exciting. With the situatino we have, being in a metal band here wanting to play live is hard.
Ok, I think we are almost done now. I'd like to thank you for the interview, it was a pleasure to prepare the questions! I hope (even if I don't dare to believe it) that we'll be able to see EKOVE EFRITS live in Europe one day – although I think you once said that you are almost certain that this will never happen?
Thank you so much for interview! Nothing is impossible, but please consider I was always too lazy to practice my songs once they are completed and because there exists a lot of layers in my music it's so hard for me to prepare that for a live show. Surely I will need to some guest members too, I just won't promise anything but I hope that one day I can experience that.
I woudl love to visit Europe one day and of course see your beautiful country and also connect with people from other parts of the world who have listened to my music and supported me.
You have of course the last words!
A short news for those who wanted to know about my Silent Path project is that Hypnotic Dirge Records agreed to release the "Mourner Portraits" album on CD in the beginning of 2012, you can follow the news on its official section of my website.
I just want to thank all of my fans! Without them I couldn't continue to make more albums, and by the way I never forget the important role of zines like you in this way, you introduce and spread our music and let more people hear us.
Also special thanks to Nick from Hypnotic Dirge Records he has a big heart and helps me a lot.
In : Interviews
Tags: ekove efrits iranian iran black death doom metal middle eastern