Epitimia released new track 'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' from upcoming Faces of Insanity album.
Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, May 5, 2012 Under: Song Premieres
Epitimia released new track 'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' from upcoming Faces of Insanity album.

The track 'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' from the upcoming Epitimia album 'Faces of Insanity' has now been made available for streaming and free download. This is the third and final track to made available from the upcoming 'Faces of Insanity' album which is Epitimia's third full-length and first release on the Canadian label 'Hypnotic Dirge Records' also known for acts such as netra, Ekove Efrits, stroszek, Subterranean Disposition, and The Foetal Mind. The 'Faces of Insanity' album is scheuled to be released in early July and will be available worldwide. The main concept of the album is to tell the story of an individual suffering from a mental disease.
Epitimia is a three-piece atmospheric Black Metal, post-rock influenced band from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. "Epitimia (from Greek ἐπιτιμία - penance) is to be understood as an interdiction which, according to Church canons, the priest as a spiritual physician may apply in certain cases in order to treat the moral diseases of his spiritual children". But for the members of the band it has a little different meaning. Epitimia – is an individualistic way to control the human spirit through self-improvement and self-contemplation.
Band members say: “With the every new album we try to improve the sound quality, to add new fresh tunes to our music, to improvise with the atmosphere. In our music we do like quotation from classical masterpieces, so if you are careful listener, you will find many interesting bright moments in our works”.
A. - Music, Guitar, Bass
K. - Vocals, Lyrics
M. - Drums, Female Vocals

Epitimia profile on HDR website: http://www.hypnoticdirgerecords.com/epitimia-main.php
Epitimia Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/epitimia
'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy'- Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/hypnoticdirgerecords/epitimia-epikrisis-vi
'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' - Bandcamp: http://hypnoticdirgerecords.bandcamp.com/track/epikrisis-vi-leucotomy
'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy'- Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KGBx5mXkY4
'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' - Download (mp3): http://www.mediafire.com/?e22u7tpelh8l25j
Hypnotic Dirge Records website: http://www.hypnoticdirgerecords.com
Hypnotic Dirge Records Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hypnoticdirgerecords
Soundcloud embed code:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F45399963&show_artwork=true"></iframe>
In : Song Premieres
Tags: epitimia post-rock black metal death atmospheric melancholic solitude productions a. k. m. russian