Hypnotic Dirge Updates and News

WEBSHOP UPDATE: Dusktone Records

Posted by Nick Skog on Sunday, March 28, 2021 Under: Webshop Additions
We have added a small selection of new titles from Dusktone Records to the webshop!

Opera IX - Back to Sepulcro
Phobonoid - Phobonoid
Dekadent - The Nemean Ordeal
Black Flame - Necrogenesis : Chants From The Grave
Nifrost - Blykrone
Hovmod - Doedsformasion
Flukt - Darkness Devour
Gorgon - Titanomachy

Keep an eye out for more additions later this week!

In : Webshop Additions 

Tags: "opera ix" "phobonoid" "dekadent the nemean ordeal" "black flame necrogenesis" "hovmod doedsformasion" "flukt darkness devour" "gorgon titanomachy" 

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