Browsing Archive: January, 2016

Norilsk appears in new free compilation "Metawl Tape" from "La-Souterraine-en-colère"

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, January 29, 2016, In : Compilation Apperances 
Fr: À télécharger gratuitement dès maintenant: la nouvelle compilation METAWL TAPE de La-Souterraine-en-colère. Avec pour thème les artistes francophones de la scène underground metal, celle-ci regroupe pas moins de 10 groupes de la France et 1 groupe du Québec/Canada - Norilsk

En: Available for free download starting today: the new METAWL TAPE by La-Souterraine-en-colère. With a focus on French-speaking metal artists from the underground, this compilation features no less than 10 ban...

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Norilsk's "The Idea of North" album featured on numerous year-end lists!

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, January 15, 2016, In : News / Studio Updates 
At the end of each year comes various year-end lists from many music blogs. Norilsk's debut album "The Idea of North" which was released in March 2015 was included in many writer's lists. Below is a list of Norilsk's mentions in year-end lists for 2015, with links in the titles.

(New Band Recommendations)

Doom/Death Metal meshed with Post Metal seems to only be expanding in Canada. Norilsk have crafted an interesting work w...

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