Hypnotic Dirge Updates and News

Webshop Update : December 2016

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, December 8, 2016 Under: Webshop Additions

WEBSHOP ADDITIONS: 21 New Titles, including highlights from Gris, Neige et Noirceur, Sombres Forêts, Monarque, and Forteresse

Here is our last webshop update for 2016! Included are new additions from Japanese label Hidden Marly Productions focusing on Black Metal releases, and its side-label Maa Productions focusing more on Post-Rock and Shoegaze related releases. 

What I am most excited about however, is the large collection of titles from Québéc's Sepulchral Productions who have released some of the best "Metal Noir Québécois" in history. 

There are some truly breathtaking albums here, and getting some releases from Québéc's rich black metal history in stock has been a goal and plan of mine for a long time now! If you are unfamiliar with these bands, I highly recommend you to check them out! We'll be showcasing releases from Québéc throughout the month of December on Facebook if you follow us on there.

Stock for these releases are very limited, we have 4 copies of each for the most part, so if you would like to secure your copy, act quickly as they may not be around long, especially the Sepulchral Productions titles from Québéc which are expected to go quick.

Latest releases:

HDR - D - 900 : Hyponic - 前行者
HDR - D - 901 : The Great Old Ones - Tekeli-li
HDR - D - 902 : Nrcssst - Schizophrenic Art
HDR - D - 903 : Nullingroots - Take care
HDR - D - 904 : In Search of… - An Elegy on the Waters
HDR - D - 905 : Sad - A Curse in Disguise
HDR - D - 906 : Asgrauw - Krater
HDR - D - 907 : Beyond the Grave - Devil’s Venom
HDR - D - 908 : Besatt - Black Mass
HDR - D - 909 : Miserere Luminis - Miserere Luminis 
HDR - D - 910 : Forteresse - Crépuscule d'Octobre
HDR - D - 911 : Borgne - Royaume des Ombres
HDR - D - 912 : Monarque - Lys Noir
HDR - D - 913 : Gris - À l' me Enflammée, l'Äme constellée... DCD
HDR - D - 914 : Sombres Forêts - La Mort du Soleil
HDR - D - 915 : Neige et Noirceur - Gouffre Onirique et Abîmes Cosmiques
HDR - D - 916 : Délétère - Les Heures de la Peste
HDR - D - 917 : Ether - Hymns of Failure DCD
HDR - D - 918 : Monarque - Fier Hérétique
HDR - D - 919 : Neige et Noirceur - Les Ténèbres Modernes
HDR - D - 920 : Forteresse - Thèmes pour la Rébellion

In : Webshop Additions 

Tags: metal noir québécois  gris  sombre forets  neige et noirceur  sepulchral productions  forteresse 

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