Browsing Archive: April, 2015

Review from Disfactory Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, April 16, 2015, In : Italian 
From: Disfactory Webzine
Published: April 15, 2015

Sono impatto e ritmo a dominare e scandire le fortune del debutto di questi canadesi. Doom death metal diluito con ampie particelle post metal e latenti momenti sludge, gli effetti prodotti sono oltremodo “elefanteschi” e si alimentano attraverso la ferrea tendenza di voler “ingrossare” insistentemente l’approccio, come se il catrame si sostituisse alla pioggia (ma con l’utilizzo dell’arma avulsa delle buone maniere);...

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Review from Black Phoenix Rising

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, In : English 
From: Black Phoenix Rising
Published: April 12, 2015

With their debut album ‘The Idea Of North’ Norilsk have thrown something of a curveball into the arena of death / doom metal, as while it’s certainly an accurate description of their music this is an album that’s quite unlike any other death / doom album I’ve heard up to now. What Norilsk do well here is take the genre to the more extreme end of the spectrum, coming at you with crushing heaviness and an atmosphere of st...

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  Released: March 10, 2015
500 Copies
Genre: Death-Doom / Sludge Metal