Review from Heavy Blog is Heavy (and "Maladie" song premiere)

May 14, 2015
From: Heavy Blog is Heavy
Published: May 12, 2015
Original Link

Black metal is a genre that contains a set of seemingly-rigid guidelines that are constantly distorted in a myriad of ways. Taking the set formula and twisting it is, and always has been, a key part of what contributes to the quality of a black metal album. Hell, subgenres like atmospheric black metal and avant-garde black metal couldn’t have been created without the twisting and subverting of the rules of the genre. And today, I have a fine rule-bending treat to present to you: the premier of a song by Verlies, from their upcoming album Les Domaines De Hommes.

Hailing from France, this band brings forth a brooding and atmospheric style of music that combines elements of traditional black metal, avant-garde metal, and post-rock into a emotively powerful fusion. By bringing in some traits of experimental jazz and other various genres to expand their sound, the group diversifies their music and puts forth a blend of influences that will leave listeners craving more.

Their sound twists and turns, churning through disparate sections and weaving many different threads and ideas into a climactic and powerful ending. Verlies is the opposite of an easy listen: it’s heady, hard to follow, and emotionally raw. At the end, though, the cathartic nature of the music wins out and the listener is left feeling cleansed.

Reviewed by: Simon Handmaker

Review from Sic Maggot Webzine

May 14, 2015
From: Sic Maggot Webzine
Published: June 1, 2014

Black metal – Francie. Dvě slova, která by před nějakými dvaceti lety dával do souvislostí jen málokdo. Rok se s rokem sešel a francouzská black metalová scéna patří k tomu nejlepšímu, co black metal v současné době produkuje a leckdy se i skandinávské podzemí musí před tím francouzským sklonit. A jelikož ve Francii hnije black metal té nejlepší jakosti, na světlo zemské vystupují nové a nové kape...

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Review from Metal Bandcamp

May 14, 2015
From: Metal Bandcamp
Published: April 11, 2014

French black metal means something different to just about everyone. For some, it’s the devilish chaos of Deathspell Omega or Blut Aus Nord. Others think of Les Légions Noires and its stripped down, raw approach. Or maybe the multi-talented Neige is the bannerman you envision, an artist who has contributed so much to the evolution of the style in the past decade despite recently casting it aside. But I don’t believe it boils down ...

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 Released: May 28, 2015
500 Copies
Genre: Avant-garde Black Metal