Browsing Archive: September, 2016

Review from Post-Christ Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 28, 2016, In : French 
From: Post-Christ Webzine
Published: September 26, 2016

3e album pour les Allemands de FRIGORIS, à un rythme régulier d’un album tous les trois ans. Le son ici est plus puissant, la maîtrise instrumentale peut-être plus poussée, mais l’approche mélodique de la musique n’a dans l’ensemble pas vraiment changé…

Car FRIGORIS continue de faire un Black mélodique, teinté d’atmosphères légères, où les guitares sont en premier plan sans jamais se montrer envahissant...

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Review from Gorger Reviews

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, September 22, 2016, In : English 
From: Gorger Reviews
Published: September 3, 2016

Fully aware of Hypnotic Dirge Records' reputation, the label amongst other cooperate closely with Solitude Productions, I said yes to review this without knowing what I was in for.
When it appeared that Frigoris didn't fit into the safe, good death/doom profile, but rather colours the world dark grey with sombre blue shades in the form of monotonous post-metal, I was about to resign.
Let me nonetheless present Nur ein Moment… für S...

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Review from Metal Fan

Posted by Nick Skog on Sunday, September 18, 2016, In : Dutch 
From: Metal Fan Reviews
Published: September 14, 2016

Nur Ein Moment is het eerste deel van een tweeluik door de atmosferische blackmetalband Frigoris omtrent suïcide. Deze Duitsers beschrijven op dit album een treinrit waarin de hoofdpersoon diverse fasen tegenkomt die voorafgaan aan het besluit de daad voort te zetten of er van af te zien. Dit is het derde album van deze Duitsers en voor deze schijf hebben ze gebruikgemaakt van Daniel Heyn, die het geheel heeft gemixt. Hij is be...

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Review from Dead Rheteric

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, September 5, 2016, In : English 
From: Dead Rheteric
Published: September 4, 2016

Seeing things move against the current grain is always satisfying. In our worldwide culture of instant gratification and song-driven (as opposed to album-driven) appeal, we can count on metal bands to buck the tide. Germany’s blackened doomsters Frigoris give us their third album, Nur ein Moment (Just a Moment), and its only part one of a two-album concept (how’s that for making one wait…) – one that deals with the consequenc...

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 Released: August 25, 2016
500 Copies
Genre: Atmospheric Post-Black Metal