Browsing Archive: June, 2019

Review from Metal Temple

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, In : English 
From: Metal Temple
Published: June 18, 2019

New York's MAVRADOXA is like going to the woods,  those ancient places where you commune with the spirit of nature, but modern at the same time, not too far away, and with Wi-Fi. Although they have a lot similarities and share influences of bands that came before them, they're really trying to forge their own way, and that's something to be thankful for. In a time where many metal musicians get complacent and think emulating what they hav...

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Review from Metal Bulletin

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, In : English 
From: Metal Bulletin Zine
Published: June 16, 2019

Black metal, as interpreted by this New York State band, means an effort to make the recording as real as possible, that sounds like human beings playing music; less software; more playing. This band does well in their use of melody on this, their third album. It is very likable to hear a recording in which the drums sound real, the extra noisiness of real cymbals, and the overall labor that is drumming. The bass guitar is there an...

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Review from Metalpit

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, June 3, 2019, In : Italian 
From: Metalpit
Published: May 26, 2019

Il terzo disco dei Mavradoxa, dopo le due discrete produzioni che l’hanno preceduto, ha un obbiettivo chiaro: dare certezze e far capire come il quartetto statunitense abbia le carte in regola per fare strada, continuando al meglio quanto iniziato. Se consideriamo anche l’esperienza che hanno acquisito i membri nell’ultimo decennio (nei cinque anni di attività con questo progetto e anche con altre band), aspettarsi un salto di qualità ...

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 Released:  May 2, 2019
500 Copies
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal