Showing Tag: "netra sorbyen melancolie urbaine ulver germ authmnblaze experimental black metal depressive black metal trip-hop post-rock" (Show all posts)

Review from

Posted by Nick Skog on Sunday, March 24, 2013, In : Album reviews 
Published: March 22, 2013
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One man bands from France seems to be the thing I have these days, just the other day it was Deathronic and now it is Netra. I think though that the similarities end there as Deathronic is a lot more conventional and Netra is nowadays Norwegian as the man behind it has moved to Norway and I suppose we can say hence the name of the second album. I would have to say that cover artworks is not something that is the thing of this man, both al...

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                       NETRA - SØRBYEN 

Released: September 29, 2012
1000 Copies
Alternative Black Metal/Trip-hop