Hypnotic Dirge Updates and News


Posted by Nick Skog on Sunday, April 1, 2018 Under: Webshop Additions
New albums from Throats Productions, Solitude Productions, Weird Truth Records, and Loud Rage Music were added to the shop today.

*All items listed below are here

THP - 042 : Serpent Herder - To Suffer in Beauty
THP - 043 : Misere Nobis / Hovert
THP - 047 : Acedia Mundi - Speculum Humanae Salvationis
THP - 048 : Sun of the Dying - The Roar of the Furious Sea
THP - 049 : Hats Barn - N.A.H.A.S.H. 
THP - 050 : Exaltatio Diaboli - Credo 
THP - 051 : Void Ritual - Heretical Wisdom
THP - 052 : Theurgia - Transformation 
THP - 055 : Beltez - Exiled, Punished, Rejected
THP - 057 : Black March - Praeludium Exterminii

SP - 003LP Who Dies In Siberian Slush – Вitterness Of The Years That Are Lost
SP - 129 : Apotelesma – Timewrought Kings 

HDR - D - 1006 : Katharos XIII - Negativity
HDR - D - 1007 : Argus Megere - Veil
HDR - D - 1008 : Descend into Despair - Synaptic Veil
HDR - D - 1009 : Bereft of Light - Hoinar
HDR - D - 1010 : The Wake - Earth’s Necropolis
HDR - D - 1011 : Funeral Baptism - The Venom of God
HDR - D - 1012 : Paragon Collapse - The Dawning
HDR - D - 1013 : Ataraxie - Anhédonie
HDR - D - 1014 : Sol/Begräbnis - split
HDR - D - 1015 : Profetus - Coronation of the Black Sun / Saturnine - 2CD
HDR - D - 1016 : Funeralium - Of Throes and Blight - 2CD
HDR - D - 1017 : Imindain - The Enemy Of Fetters And The Dweller In The Woods
HDR - D - 1018 : Beneath Oblivion - The Wayward and the Lost

In : Webshop Additions 

Tags: serpent herder  profetus  funeralium  hats barn  apotelesma  descend into despair  funeral baptism  sol  ataraxie 

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