Hypnotic Dirge Updates and News


Posted by Nick Skog on Sunday, December 3, 2017 Under: Webshop Additions
Some excellent albums have arrived here at HDR headquarters recently. We added the following albums to our shop today, courtesy of Avantgarde Music and Seance Records!!

Latest Additions Link
*All items listed below are here

Sojourner - Empires of Ash
Enisum - Seasons of Desolation
Azelisassath - Total Desecration of Existence
Saule - Saule
Mountains Crave- As We Were When We Were Not
Wode - Servants of the Counter Cosmos
Progenie Terrestre Pura - Oltre Luna
Vindkast - Archaic Collapse
Dzö-nga - The Sachem's Tales
Botanist - Collective: The Shape of He to Come
Nyss - Princesse Terre (Three Studies of Silence and Death)
Black Crucifixion (official) – Coronation Of King Darkness
Drohtnung – In Dolorous Sights
Nocturnes Mist- March To Perdition
Ignis GehennaIgnis Gehenna – Baleful Scarlet Star
Kafirun – Eschaton
Nocturnes Mist – Diabolical Baptism

In : Webshop Additions 

Tags: sojourner  enisum  azelisassath  mountains crave  saule  wode  progenie terrestre pura  vindkast  nyss  botanist  nocturnes mist  kafirun 

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