Showing category "Spanish" (Show all posts)

Review from Rtmb Music

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, October 13, 2017, In : Spanish 
From: Rtmb Music
Published: October 9, 2017

A Man Of Silt resulta un trabajo complicado dado los ingredientes inmersos en él, dicho coloquialmente, trae de todo y explota muy bien esos elementos, con canciones que se sienten estructuradas y pensadas para explotar los sentimientos. En este tipo de géneros resulta difícil analizar dado el cúmulo de facetas que poseen trabajos como este, escucharlo se vuelve un compromiso, requiere de disposición y paciencia dado que uno se puede...

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Review from Necromance Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, September 16, 2017, In : Spanish 
From: Necromance Webzine
Published: September 15, 2017

In October we will get the second ODRADEK ROOM work , "Man Of Silt" through Hypnotic Dirge Records. A conceptual work that investigates in Buddhism but through a European symbology, framed in an abstract journey towards the self-understanding of the person in a cyclical and changing journey. And they do it with a progressive doom similar to groups like IHSAHN, OPETH ...

"Arising in the void", begins our journey in an instrumenta...

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 Released: October 12, 2017
500 Copies
Genre: Progressive (Doom) Metal