As with most websites around now, we have an obligatory links section. Instead of building a vast connection of links to record labels, magazines, radio stations, and bands whenever we come across anything on the internet, and also instead of putting a small handful of links and having everything run stagnant and out of date without updates for years, we aim to keep this section both up-to-date as well as to only feature links for record labels, magazines, blogs, radio stations, and artists which we have corresponded with in the past and feel important to share their activity with others. If a link to listed in this section of the website, it is because we like what they provide and wish to share it with others.
We have decided to scale down our links section, and focus only on posting links to our favourite record labels, press zines (either print or web), and other websites. We could easily spend days upon days finding links to all of the countless webstores, and promoters around the world that exist but that really would be really pointless in my opinion. Also, most of the record labels listed below also distribute Hypnotic Dirge releases, so if you are searching for a more "local" web-shop to order HDR titles, check out the list of record labels below.
Recently, a miscellaneous links section has been added to include non-music related links that I feel has real value. This is of course based on personal preference and if you don't like the type of information provided in the miscellaneous links section, that would mean that we differ in opinion on these type of matters. Ultimately, Hypnotic Dirge is about music so if you don't agree with these personal interests, just avoid them.
However, I hope you can find value in the miscellaneous links provided.
Please do not ask to trade links with me. This is not a promotional agency or a way to advertise for your record label or website. I will not post links on here that others ask me to. The only way your link will appear here is if I feel like it deserves to be shared with other people.
Record Labels/Online Stores
The following list of record labels and online stores are worthy of your attention and support. These labels are constantly releasing new underground music of the highest level.
Closest Partners
Solitude Productions (Russia)
Misanthropic Art Productions (South Korea)
Labels/Online Stores- North America
Blasthead Records (Canada)
Profound Lore Records (Canada)
Sepulchral Productions (Canada)
Bindrune Recordings (USA)
Moribund Records (USA)
The Omega Order (USA)
Red Stream Records (USA)
Hell's Headbangers Records (USA)
Crucial Blast Records (USA)
Ars Magna Recordings (USA)
Pagan Flames Records (USA)
EEE Recordings (USA)
Handmade Birds (USA)
Negative Existence Records (USA)
Forbidden Records (USA)
Swampkult Productions (USA)
Nine Gates Records (USA)
Dead Moon Records (USA)
Labels/Online Stores - Europe
Possession Productions (Belarus)
Shiver Records (Belgium)
Doommentia Records (Czech Republic)
Epidemie Records (Czech Republic)
Firebox Records (Finland)
Altsphere Productions (France)
Le Crepuscule du Soir (France)
Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions (France)
Osmose Productions (France)
Season of Mist (France)
Those Opposed Records (France)
Der neue Weg Productions (Germany)
Dunkeheit Productions (Germany)
Einheit Productions (Germany)
Ewiges Eis Records (Germany)
Grau Records (Germany)
Naturmacht Productions (Germany)
Northern Silence Productions (Germany)
Obscure Abhorrence Productions (Germany)
Dusktone Records (Italy)
Greytone Records (Italy)
I, Voidhanger Records (Italy)
Avantgarde Music (Italy)
Agonia Records (Poland)
Nordavind Records (Portugal)
Sun and Moon Records (Romania)
Grom Records (Serbia)
Black Seed Productions (Spain)
I Hate Records (Sweden)
Aesthetic Death Records (UK)
Code 666 (UK)
Aural Music (UK)
Arx Productions (Ukraine)
Svarga Music (Ukraine)
Labels/Online Stores - Rest of World
Goatowarex Records (Australia)
Seance Records (Australia)
Australis Records (Chile)
Nostalgia Productions (China)
Pest Productions (China)
Transcending Obscurity Records (India)
Total Rust Music (Israel)
Darknagar Records (Russia)
Endless Winter Records (Russia)
Kunsthauch Records (Russia)
Nihil Art Records (Russia)
Stygian Crypt Productions (Russia)
Magazines/Webzines - North America
Desecrate Promotions (Canada - Local)
Pure Grain Audio (Canada)
The Metal Observer (Canada)
Volumes of Sin (Canada)
Convivial Hermit Magazine (USA)
Cosmos Gaming (USA)
Dead Rhetoric (USA)
Deaf Sparrow Webzine (USA)
Destructive Music (USA)
Don`t count on it Reviews (USA)
Forbidden Magazine (USA)
Heathen Harvest (USA)
Infernal Masquerade Webzine (USA)
Lachryma Christi Webzine (USA)
Lunar Hypnosis Webzine (USA)
Metal Crypt (USA)
Metal Recusants (USA)
Metal Reviews (USA)
No Clean Singing (USA)
Nocturnal Cult Webzine (USA)
Satan's Music Box (USA)
Sea of Tranquility (USA)
Teeth of the Divine (USA)
The Inarguable (USA)
The Lair of Filth (USA)
Magazines/Webzines - Europe
Dead Void Dreams (Bulgaria)
Metal Soundscapes (Croatia)
Mortem Zine (Czech Republic)
Sic Maggot Blog (Czech Republic)
Alarm 666 (Denmark)
Metal Revolution Webzine (Denmark)
Miasma Magazine (Finland)
Hard Rock Magazine (France)
Les Eternals (France)
Scholomance Webzine (France)
Temple of Perdition (France)
A Dead Spot of Light (Germany)
Alternativ Musik Webzine (Germany)
Avantgarde Metal (Germany)
Bleeding 4 Metal (Germany)
Desolation Infinite (Germany)
Doom Metal Front Magazine (Germany)
Thre Nodies Webzine (Germany)
Aristocrazia Webzine (Italy)
Headbang Music (Italy)
Metal Wave (Italy)
Midwinter Fires (Italy)
True Metal (Italy)
Forgotten Path Magazine (Lithuania)
Lords of Metal (Netherlands)
ZWare Metalen (Netherlands)
Infektion Magazine (Poland)
Against Magazine (Portugal)
Hymnes Funeraires (Romania)
Pest Webzine (Romania)
Nocturne Webzine (Serbia)
Music Swept Away the Colours (Spain)
Innana Naked (Spain)
Angry Metal Guy (Sweden)
Global Domination Webzine (Sweden)
Hallowed Webzine (Sweden)
Ave Noctum (UK)
Doom-Metal (UK)
ech(((o)))es and dust (UK)
Atmosfear Magazine (Ukraine)
Magazines/Webzines - Rest of World
Black Belle Music (Australia)
Metal Obsession (Australia)
Melting Album Reviews (International)
Chronicles of Chaos (International)
Heavy Metal Tribune (Singapore)
Rock Vault Webzine (Turkey)
Specific to bands who choose to self-release and promote their releases exclusively since it would be too much to list all the bands also on labels, and since they get promotion already, it is better to focus on independent bands.
Altars of Grief
Desecrate Scripture
The New Jacobin Club
...coming soon
Kholdstare Design
The Art of Danille Gauvin
Mayhem Design
Justin Lee Harris Artwork
Education (Free online courses)
Coursera (Various)
Edx (Various)
MIT OpenCourseWare (Various)
Stanford Online (Various)
Yale Open Courses (Various)
Khan Academy (Mostly math/science)
Duolingo (Learn Languages)
Codecademy (Coding)
I Fucking Love Science
Noam Chomsky
Demonocracy (Infographics)
Crime ThInc. Ex-Workers Collective
Popular Resistance
The Zeitgeist Movement
Adbusters (Magazine)
Workers World
Robots will steal your job
New Internationalist
The Chomsky Videos
Culture in Decline
Breaking the Set
Storm Clouds Gathering
Moment of Clarity
...more coming soon